Wondrous Wednesday: This is your life!

Don’t you love this poster?

I know – it totally rocked my world today!

A lady of inspiration, in my joy circle, forwarded it to me via email.

Being that it’s Wondrous Wednesday and all, here are the today’s delights in my current day and life:

  1. I’ve been talking more openly about my dream of working full-time as a certified life coach and the people around me say they feel a burst of positive energy every time they are around me.
  2. I’m creating a new website for my life coaching practice. It’s challenging and fun.
  3. I coached a client today on dreaming big – which meant walking away from her current job. She cried tears of joy at the realization.
  4. At the recreation center today, I spoke with a 75 year old man who said his daily passion was to be fit. That’s one of my passions too.
  5. My best friend, since 1990, and I are creating a workshop and telecourse. We’ve missed getting messy together.

What speaks to you the most from this poster? Are you living a passion filled life and making your dreams come true? If so, share your tools.
